Case 40: Rare Ocular Condition Diagnosed by Point-of-Care Ultrasound

Skyler Sloane & Andre Velazquez

A 73-year-old male presented to our emergency department with a chief complaint of new intermittent double vision for the past two weeks. The patient noticed that he saw double when looking at signs on the freeway. These were new symptoms he had not experienced in the past. The patient reported a history of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and recently diagnosed prostate cancer. The patient also confirmed a history of ocular migraine. The patient denied current headaches, new floaters or flashes, curtains, or clouds in his vision.

Upon arrival, vital signs were: BP 131/91 | Pulse 107 | Temp 97.8 °F (36.6 °C) | SpO2 98% 

Visual acuity: OD 20/20 and OS) 20/20. Pupil light reaction from 3 mm to 2 mm bilaterally. Extraocular movement was full and normal in both eyes. Finger counting was normal in both eyes. The right eye had an intraocular pressure of 13 mmHg and the left eye had an intraocular pressure of 14 mmHg. The bedside anterior segment exam was normal. 

We performed a bedside ultrasound while waiting for an ophthalmology consult and obtained the following images of the left eye. 

Figure 1: Ultrasound of the left eye. 

Figure 2: Labeled ultrasound of the left eye showing asteroid hyalosis (hyperechoic free-floating particles in the vitreous chamber). 

In the obtained images, we see hyperechoic free-floating particles in the vitreous chamber as we scan through the eye. From these images, we reached a diagnosis of asteroid hyalosis. This was later confirmed by ophthalmology through a dilated fundus exam. 

Asteroid hyalosis (AH) is an uncommon degenerative condition that is characterized by the formation of asteroid bodies (AB), comprised of calcium and phospholipids within the vitreous chamber (1). The greatest prominent risk factor is age (2). 

Asteroid hyalosis is benign and asymptomatic in most cases and is not a viable cause for the diplopia that our patient presented with (1). Ophthalmology reported no evidence of strabismus or nystagmus. Additionally, the optic nerve was observed to be sharp and perfused. They postulated that the complaints could be explained by superior oblique myokymia vs retinal hemifield slide. Given the patient’s history of recently diagnosed prostate cancer, brain imaging was recommended to rule out intracranial pathology. Brain imaging revealed no evidence of acute infarct, hemorrhage, or mass. A follow-up with ophthalmology revealed ocular misalignment with a small esotropia in the left eye and a left abduction deficit. The ophthalmologist postulated that this could be due to minor six nerve palsy. This esotropia was found to be the cause of the ocular diplopia.

Asteroid hyalosis can mimic vitreous hemorrhage on ultrasound. Both conditions may show hyperechoic echogenicities swirling in the vitreous chamber in a washing machine or snow globe motion (3). Asteroid particles are composed of calcium linked to phospholipids and often take on an intensely hyperechoic appearance on ultrasound due to their density (2). Conversely, vitreous hemorrhage often appears less hyperechoic than asteroid particles and can have a less granular appearance (4). Differentiating between asteroid hyalosis, a benign and largely asymptomatic condition, and vitreous hemorrhage, a more serious condition that may require emergent intervention is critical. 

Figure 3: Vitreous Hemorrhage: diffuse mobile opacity often referred to as a “snow globe” appearance that is made apparent by side-to-side movement of the eye.

We presented this case to raise awareness of the utility of point-of-care ultrasound in rapidly diagnosing rare ocular diseases. Furthermore, this case is significant because asteroid hyalinosis is a relatively rare disease that is infrequently observed in the emergency department. 


  1. Scott, D. A. R., Møller-Lorentzen, T. B., Faber, C., Wied, J., Grauslund, J., & Subhi, Y. (2021). Spotlight on Asteroid Hyalosis: A Clinical Perspective. Clinical Ophthalmology, 15, 2537–2544.
  2. Duong R, Abou-Samra A, Bogaard JD, Shildkrot Y. Asteroid Hyalosis: An Update on Prevalence, Risk Factors, Emerging Clinical Impact and Management Strategies. Clin Ophthalmol. 2023 Jun 20;17:1739-1754. doi: 10.2147/OPTH.S389111.
  3. Gros EC, Mccafferty LR. Asteroid Hyalosis: A Mimicker of Vitreous Hemorrhage on Point of Care Ultrasound: A Case Report. POCUS J. 2023 Nov 27;8(2):113-115. doi: 10.24908/pocus.v8i2.16391.
  4. De La Hoz Polo M, Torramilans Lluís A, Pozuelo Segura O, Anguera Bosque A, Esmerado Appiani C, Caminal Mitjana JM. Ocular ultrasonography focused on the posterior eye segment: what radiologists should know. (2016) Insights into imaging. 7 (3): 351-64. doi:10.1007/s13244-016-0471-z

Case 38: Painless Worsening Vision

Liz Volochyna-Farber

A 37-year-old male with a past medical history of retinal detachment (RD) of the left eye (OS), left eye cataract surgery and retinal tear in the rigth eye (OD) s/p laser presents to Emergency Department (ED) on a Sunday with painless worsening right eye vision. It started with a floater in the eye 2 days prior. The patient went to an outside ED, has been given a diagnosis and was told to see ophthalmology, but was unable to do that over the weekend. Meanwhile his symptoms worsened, so he came to our ED. He endorsed mild itching to the eye but denied trauma, pain, foreign body sensation, fever and neurologic changes.

Eye exam: PERRL, EOMI, no injection/discharge, no nystagmus, no corneal abrasion or fluorescein uptake b/l, left superior field defect present OD, visual acuity OD 20/400 pinhole corrected to 20/40, OS 20/20-2, IOP L13, R13

An ocular ultrasound is performed and the images below are seen. What do you see, and what is his most likely diagnosis? What is your management?

Figure 1: Right eye.

Figure 2: Right eye kinetic scan. Retinal detachment (arrows) is demonstrated by a bright, echogenic membrane tethered to the optic disc (star) in image B. The optic nerve and disk can be seen in the lower right corner of image A, while in image B, the disk is positioned more medially, with tethering observed, though the retina is detached to the left of the optic disc.

Ophthalmology was consulted at the bedside. On a dilated fundoscopic exam of the right eye, a mac-off retinal detachment (RD) was noted temporally between 6:00 and 10:30, extending onto the temporal macula next to the fovea, with a hole at the 8:00 position, likely the causative break. Surgery was recommended within the next few days. Records from an outside emergency department were not obtained, but it is possible that the patient initially presented with a mac-on RD, and if treated immediately, could have had a better prognosis.

Learning points

  • Retinal detachment is a serious ocular condition that can lead to permanent vision loss and can be directly visualized using point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) and diagnosed with sensitivity of 96.9% and specificity of 88.1%. [1]
    • In a normal eye, the vitreous cavity appears as a circular hypoechoic structure, with the hyperechoic retina indistinguishable from the underlying hyperechoic choroid. In retinal detachment, the neurosensory retina separates from the choroid and appears on ultrasound as a distinct hyperechoic line still tethered to the optic disc.
    • Proper ultrasound technique involves placing a high-frequency linear transducer over a gel-covered closed eyelid. Both static and kinetic images should be obtained, with scanning done in transverse and longitudinal planes. In the static exam, the patient holds the eye still while the examiner fans through the orbit. In the kinetic exam, the examiner holds the probe steady while the patient moves the eye left and right.
      • It's crucial to determine whether the macula is attached (mac-on) or detached (mac-off) as this affects treatment urgency. The macula, located lateral to the optic nerve, is vital for central, high-acuity vision. In mac-on detachment, where only the peripheral retina is detached, urgent treatment ideally within 24 hrs is required to prevent central vision loss.[2,3] In mac-off detachment, visual prognosis is worse, but treatment within 7 to 10 days shows no difference in outcomes compared to treatment within 24 hours.[1] While there are no large-scale studies on utilizing POCUS to differentiate between mac-on vs. mac-off RD, diagnosing RD alone should prompt an urgent ophthalmology evaluation that will expedite the urgent surgery when needed. Progression from mac-on to mac-off can occur in hours to days, depending on factors such as pseudophakia, retinal break location, vitreous liquefaction, and age.[3,4]


      1. Lahham, S., Shniter, I., Thompson, M., Le, D., Chadha, T., Mailhot, T., Kang, T. L., Chiem, A., Tseeng, S., & Fox, J. C. (2019). Point-of-Care Ultrasonography in the Diagnosis of Retinal Detachment, Vitreous Hemorrhage, and Vitreous Detachment in the Emergency Department. JAMA network open, 2(4), e192162.
      2. Blair K, Czyz CN. Retinal Detachment. [Updated 2024 Feb 12]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan-. Available from:
      3. Wiedemann P. (2024). When to repair a retinal detachment?. International journal of ophthalmology, 17(4), 607–609.
      4. Mundae, R., Velez, A., Sodhi, G. S., Belin, P. J., Kohler, J. M., Ryan, E. H., & Tang, P. H. (2022). Trends in the Clinical Presentation of Primary Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachments During the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic. American journal of ophthalmology237, 49–57.

      Case # 19: Under Pressure

      A 27 year-old female presented to the emergency department with a two week history of headache, posterior eye pain, visual changes. She denied trauma, fever, focal neurological changes, or visual field deficits. She was seen by the optometrist earlier in the day and was sent to the ED for further evaluation.  Her neurological examination was normal. 

      Eye exam: PERRL, EOMI, no injection/discharge, visual acuity 20/15 OS, 20/20 OD, IOP L19, R19

      An ocular ultrasound is performed and the images below are seen. What do you see and what is your most likely diagnosis? What is your management? (59)

      Left eye (58)

       Right eye

      Answer and Learning Points


      On both images of the right and left eye you see papilledema which is demonstrated as a bulging optic disc protruding into the posterior chamber.

      CT Head non-contrast was obtained which showed " a partially empty pituitary sella which can be seen with intracranial hypertension, otherwise no acute findings." Ophthalmology was consulted. Their exam was unremarkable except for bilateral papilledema. An LP was performed which showed an elevated OP at 36. After large volume CSF removal the patient reported improvement in symptoms. Closing pressure was 22. The CSF studies were unremarkable. Patient was discharged with an MRI/MRV performed as outpatient and neuro-ophthalmology follow up. MRI brain showed mild flattening of the optic nerve heads which is nonspecific but could correlate with intracranial hypertension in the right clinical setting. 

      Learning Points

        • Papilledema may be directly visualized with ultrasound as a bulging optic disc elevated more than 0.6mm from the retina. There are also studies that show a correlation between increased intracranial pressure and optic sheath nerve diameter greater than 5mm when measured 3mm posterior to the retina. (1-4)
        • A width of > 5mm has a pooled sensitivity of 90% and specificity of 85% for detecting an ICP > 20mmHg in trauma patients with head injuries (5-6)
        • It is important to note that the optic nerve sheath diameter should be measured when the sides are parallel, as it can be artificially increased otherwise.  (7)
        • When obtaining an ocular ultrasound use the high frequency linear probe on the ocular setting. If there is not an ocular setting, it is best to err on the high side with regard to gain.
        • Although controversial, some sources advise to avoid ocular ultrasound when concerned about globe rupture as any pressure on the eye could worsening the rupture.


        1. Marchese, R.F., et al. Identification of optic nerve swelling using point-of-care ocular ultrasound in children. Pediatric Emergency Care. 2018; 34(8):531-536. 
        2. Kimberly, H.H., Shah, S., Marill, K., & Noble, V. Correlation of optic nerve sheath diameter with direct measurement of intracranial pressure. Academic Emergency Medicine. 2008; 15(2):201-4. 
        3. Amini, A., et al. Use of the sonographic diameter of optic nerve sheath to estimate intracranial pressure. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2013; 31(1):236-9.
        4. Xu, W., Gerety, P., Aleman, T., Swanson, J., & Taylor, J. Noninvasive methods of detecting increased intracranial pressure. Child’s Nervous System. 2016; 32(8):1371-86. 
        5. Dubourg, J., et al. Ultrasonography of optic nerve sheath diameter for detection of raised intracranial pressure: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Intensive Care Medicine. 2011;37(7):1059–1068.
        6. Rajajee, V., Vanaman, M., Fletcher, J.J., & Jacobs, T.L. Optic nerve ultrasound for the detection of raised intracranial pressure. Neurocritical Care. 2011;15(3):506–515.
        7. Mallin, M, Dawson, M. Introduction to Bedside Ultrasound: Volume 2. Emergency Ultrasound Solutions, 2013. Apple Books. Accessed April 17th, 2020.

      The following authors contributed to this post:

      Amir Aminlari, MD; Danika Brodak, MD; Michael Macias, MD; Rachna Subramony, MD

      Test Characteristics of Point of Care Ultrasound for the Diagnosis of Retinal Detachment in the Emergency Department


      Retinal detachment (RD) is the final diagnosis for 3-4% of patients presenting to the Emergency Department (ED) with ocular complaints. Presenting symptoms most commonly include acute onset flashes and floaters, however, this presentation is not unique. The timely diagnosis and differentiation of RD from more common, benign, and similarly presenting processes, such as posterior vitreous detachment, is important in order to treat RD and prevent the sequela of permanent vision loss.

      Point of care ultrasound (POCUS) has been successfully employed in the diagnosis of retinal pathology with high degrees of success according to observed test characteristics (sensitivity 97%-100%; specificity 83-100%) in emergency medicine (EM) literature. The generalizability of this data is limited, however, due to study features, including the use of highly experienced sonographers, inconsistent scanning protocols, and poor reference standards. This investigation seeks to derive the test characteristics for POCUS in the diagnosis of RD when used by a heterogeneous population of emergency physicians (EPs).

      Test Characteristics of Point of Care Ultrasound for the Diagnosis of RetinalDetachment in the Emergency Department

      Clinical Question

      What are the test characteristics (sensitivity and specificity) of POCUS for the diagnosis of RD in patients presenting with chief complaint of flashes or floaters, when performed by a group of emergency physicians with varying degrees of ultrasound experience?

      Methods & Study Design

      • Design
        • Prospective study using a convenience sample of patients presenting to the ED with a chief complaint of flashes or floaters in visual fields
      • Population
        • Conducted at Vancouver General Hospital, an urban academic tertiary care center
      • Inclusion Criteria
        • Patients presenting with chief complaint of acute (7 days or less) onset flashes or floaters in one or both eyes between March 2015 and September 2016
      • Exclusion Criteria
        • Age younger than 19 years, known diagnosis of RD, exam compromised due to advanced cataract in the affected eye, ophthalmologic surgery on affected eye within prior two weeks
      • Intervention
        • EP performed ocular POCUS with high-frequency linear transducer
        • Scan performed in both transverse and longitudinal plane with dynamic assessment of posterior chamber (patient looking left/right and up/down)
        • Positive or negative interpretation for RD was recorded
        • Reference Standard
          • Patients were referred to an ophthalmology resident who performed non-blinded assessment including a complete dilated retinal exam
          • Patients were then seen by a retina specialist blinded to the ED POCUS within 1 week, or for patients with a retinal tear or RD diagnosis, within 1 day
        • Standardized training session for emergency providers
          • EM attendings (20), fellows (2), and residents (8) of varying ultrasound experience received a 1 hour lecture on the use of POCUS to detect RD
          • All participating EPs performed one practice scan on a healthy volunteers
      • Outcomes
        • Primary outcome: Accuracy of the EP diagnosis with respect to the reference standard, the retina specialist diagnosis
        • Test characteristics: sensitivity, specificity, diagnostic accuracy, LR+, and LR- 


      Flow of Patients Through Study

      Primary analysis

        • Sensitivity: 75% (95% CI 48-93%)
        • Specificity: 94% (95% CI 87-98%)
        • Diagnostic accuracy: 91% (95% CI 85-96%)
        • LR-positive: 12.4 (95% CI 5.4-28.3)
        • LR-negative: 0.27 (95% CI 0.11-0.62)

      Secondary analyses

        • Test characteristics by level of training
          • Residents and fellows: 100% sensitivity, 95% specificity
          • Attending physicians: 71% sensitivity, 94% specificity
        • Test characteristics by number of patients enrolled by EP
          • 1-2 patients enrolled: 80% sensitivity, 71% specificity
          • 3 or more patients enrolled: 73% sensitivity, 98% specificity


        • Insufficiently powered for the secondary analyses
        • Single program study limits generalizability
        • Prior ultrasound experience was not explicitly assessed
        • RD is not always classically presenting, starting with a population defined by classic symptoms may influence observed test characteristics

      Authors Conclusion

      “In a heterogeneous group of EPs with varying ultrasound experience, POCUS demonstrates high specificity but only intermediate sensitivity for the detection of RD. A negative POCUS scan in the ED performed by a heterogeneous group of providers after a one-hour POCUS didactic is not sufficiently sensitive to rule out RD in a patient with new onset flashes or floaters.”

      Our Conclusion

      This study demonstrates that emergency physicians of varying training levels and ultrasound experience can successfully employ POCUS in the diagnosis of RD after only a short training session. By incorporating POCUS into the workup of patients presenting with ocular complaints characteristic of RD, true pathology can be identified with high specificity. Appropriate care can then be mobilized expeditiously in these scan-positive patients in order to prevent the permanent vision loss associated with this condition.

      Indeed, a 74% sensitivity is too low for POCUS to reliably be utilized by a heterogeneous population of EPs as a tool to rule-out RD, especially given the consequences of a missed diagnosis. It would be reasonable practice, therefore, as the authors suggest, for all patients with new onset flashes and/or floaters to continue be referred for further ophthalmologic evaluation to definitively rule-out RD and other conditions at-risk for progression to RD. It should also be noted, however, that a trend towards increased specificity was observed amongst physicians who enrolled more patients in this study. Taken in context with test characteristics reported in prior literature, these findings may suggest that specificity can be improved upon with experience, and in the hands of a trained sonographer, POCUS may also be used as a tool to reliably rule-out RD.

      The Bottom Line

      Emergency providers can reliably use point-of-care ultrasound to diagnose retinal detachment with high specificity after a short, one-time training course, but must recognize the limitations of POCUS as a tool to rule-out RD in this setting, given a relatively low sensitivity when used for this purpose.


      This post was written by Oretunlewa Soyinka, MS4 at UCSD. Review and further commentary was provided by Cameron Smyres, MD, Ultrasound Fellow at UCSD.


      1 .  Hikichi T, Hirokawa H, Kado M, et al. Comparison of the prevalence of posterior vitreous
      detachment in whites and Japanese. Ophthalmic Surg 1995; 26:39-43.

      2.  Hollands H, Johnson D, Brox AC, et al. Acute-onset floaters and flashes: is this patient at
      risk for retinal detachment? JAMA 2009; 302:2243-9

      3.  Alotaibi AG, Osman EA, Allam KH, et al. One month outcome of ocular related
      emergencies in a tertiary hospital in Central Saudi Arabia. Saudi Med J 2011; 32:1256-60.

      4.  Mitry D, Charteris DG, Fleck BW, et al. The epidemiology of rhegmatogenous retinal
      detachment: geographical variation and clinical associations. Br J Ophthalmol 2010;

      Case # 13: What Lies Beneath

      A 30 year old male presents to the emergency department after blunt trauma to the face from an altercation. He notes he was punched several times in the face but did not pass out. His exam is notable for significant right periorbital ecchymosis and edema with inability to open his eye. You are unable to perform a direct eye exam given the significant periorbital swelling.  A CT maxillofacial is performed which shows an isolated right inferior orbital wall fracture.

      Vitals: T 98.6 HR 85 BP 142/81  RR 14 O2 98% on RA

      Prior to ENT consultation, a bedside ultrasound of the orbits is performed.  In spite of being unable to open the eye, what can you tell your consultant regarding your exam? (1)

      Answer and Learning Points


      Using ultrasound as an adjunct to your exam, you are able to tell the consultant that there is a normal appearing, reactive pupil and that the extra-ocular movements of the eye are intact. The consultant is appreciative over the phone and is happy to come in and see the patient whom after evaluation is discharged home with close outpatient follow up.

      Learning Points

      It is often the case where a patient suffers such significant facial trauma that a complete physical exam of the orbit due to periorbital swelling is not possible. Ultrasound can be a critical tool in these cases to provide useful information to assess for multiple potential pathologies. Previous studies have shown the ability of ocular ultrasound in trauma to detect elevated intracranial pressure (via optic nerve sheath diameter), retinal detachment, vitreous hemorrhage, and retrobulbar hematoma. It can also be used for early detection of muscular entrapment in the case of an orbital wall fracture, as well as performed serially for pupillary response in patients with significant neurological injury at risk for deterioration and potential herniation.

      • To evaluate extraocular movements:
        • Prepare the patient by laying the bed backwards and having their face parallel to the ceiling,  supporting the patient's head and neck with a pillow or blanket.
        • (Optional) Place a tegaderm over the eye. If you do, ensure there is no air between the tegaderm and the eyelid.
        • Place a small amount of ultrasound gel on the closed eyelid  and prepare the linear probe with the gain turned almost all the way up.
        • Stabilize your hand on the patient's nasal bridge or zygoma, with the probe marker to your left, and place the probe transverse on the orbit with minimal pressure being applied directly to the eye. This is very important in trauma as the area is likely painful and theoretically the patient could have a ruptured globe.
        • Adjust the depth to ensure the optic nerve is just visualized at the bottom of the screen. The anterior chamber and lens should be used as visual landmarks to ensure you are in proper location.
        • Next, have the patient look left and right, then turn the probe to a sagittal orientation and have the patient look up and down. During these maneuvers you should be evaluating for symmetric movements of the orbit in each direction.
        • If you do not appreciate symmetric movements of the orbit in all directions then you may have entrapment of an extraocular muscle.
      • To evaluate for pupillary response and shape:
        • Be sure to dim the lights in the room prior to performing this exam to allow for an adequate pupillary response.
        • Gently apply the linear probe with gel in a transverse plane just inferior to the eye, angling superiorly towards the patient's head (Depending on the location of the swelling around the eye, you can also place the probe superior to the eye, angling inferiorly towards the patient's feet).
        • Keep flattening out your probe angle relative to the skin until you have a cross section of the pupil and iris in view.
        • The pupil should be evaluated for symmetry as an asymmetric or oblong pupil could suggest globe rupture. You can then shine a light in the affected or non-affected eye (consensual light reflex) and observe the pupil for constriction.



      This post was written by Michael Macias, MD, Ultrasound Fellow at UCSD.


        1. Blaivas M. Bedside emergency department ultrasonography in the evaluation of ocular pathology. Acad Emerg Med 2000;7:947-50.
        2. Blaivas M, Theodoro D, Sierzenski P. A study of bedside ocular ultrasonography in the emergency department. Acad Emerg Med 2002;9(8):791-9.
        3. Kimberly HH, Shah S, Marill K, Noble V. Correlation of optic nerve sheath diameter with direct measurement of intracranial pressure. Acad Emerg Med 2008;15(2):201-4.
        4. Tayal VS, Neulander M, Norton HJ, et al. Emergency department sonographic measurement of optic nerve sheath diameter to detect findings of increased intracranial pressure in adult head injury patients. Ann Emerg Med 2007;49(4):508-14.
        5. Harries A, et al. Ultrasound assessment of extraocular movements and pupillary light reflex in ocular trauma. Am J Emerg Med 2010 28(8):956-9.

      Case # 12: Bilateral Vision Loss

      A 45 year old male with poorly controlled DM presents with bilateral vision loss. His right eye vision acutely worsened 3 days ago with the sensation of a curtain moving back and forth across his visual field. Today his left eye vision acutely worsened with flashes and floaters occurring. He denies any trauma, headache, or new medications.

      Vitals: T 98.6 HR 90 BP 149/87  RR 16 O2 98% on RA

      A bedside ultrasound of the orbits is performed,  what is the next best step in management?

      Left Eye

      Left Eye

      Right Eye

      Right Eye

      Answer and Learning Points


      The ultrasound clips demonstrate hypoechoic material in the orbits bilaterally, swirling around with subtle eye movement. This is consistent with bilateral vitreous hemorrhage. The diagnosis was discussed with the patient and he was referred to ophthalmology clinic for dilated eye exam in 24 hours.

      Learning Points

      Vitreous hemorrhage is a common diagnosis (though usually unilateral) seen in poorly controlled diabetes. The most frequent etiologies include proliferative diabetic retinopathy, posterior vitreous detachment, and ocular trauma, with trauma more common in patients under the age of 40. Since it is difficult to obtain  a good physical exam of the posterior aspects of the eye without a dilated exam, there is high utility in the use of point of care ultrasound in evaluating for acute pathology.  It can be used to distinguish vitreous hemorrhage and retinal detachment, which have significantly different prognoses and treatment pathways. To perform an ocular ultrasound, follow these steps:

        1. Prepare the patient by laying the bed backwards and having their face parallel to the ceiling,  supporting the patient's head and neck with a pillow or blanket.
        2. Place a tegaderm over the eye (optional). If you do, ensure there is no air between the tegaderm and the eyelid.
        3. Place the ultrasound gel on the tegaderm and prepare the linear probe with the gain turned almost all the way up (this will help you visualize both retinal detachment and vitreous hemorrhage.
        4. Stabilize your hand on the patient's nasal bridge or zygoma, with the probe marker to your left, and place the probe transverse on the orbit with minimal pressure being applied directly to the eye.
        5. Adjust the depth to ensure the optic nerve is just visualized at the bottom of the screen. The anterior chamber and lens should be used as visual landmarks to ensure you are in proper location. Next, have the patient look up, down , left and right (oculokinetic echography), to assess for any abnormalities in the posterior aspects of the eye.
        6. Repeat this technique with the probe marker pointed superiorly and have the patient again look in all directions.

      Retinal detachment: The common POCUS findings include a thin linear structure tethered to the optic nerve.  It flaps back and forth as the eye is moved giving it the appearance of “swaying seaweed”. This is an ophthalmologic emergency, especially if the macula is still attached,  the ophthalmologist should be immediately consulted.

      Vitreous hemorrhage: You will notice a diffuse mobile opacity often described as a “snow globe” that is exacerbated with moving the eye from side to side. If this is seen in a diabetic patient with floaters, there is a high likelihood that the diagnosis is a vitreous hemorrhage. These patients will still need follow up with ophthalmology for further management, but typically there will not be an emergent intervention.


      This post was written by Sam Frenkel, MD, PGY-2 UCSD EM. It was reviewed by Michael Macias, MD, Ultrasound Fellow at UCSD.


        1. Yoonessi R, Hussain A, Jang TB. Bedside ocular ultrasound for the detection of retinal detachment in the emergency department. Acad Emerg Med. 2010;17(9):913-7.
        2. Dawson, Mallin. Introduction to Bedside Ultrasound, Volume 2. 2013. Apple iBook.
        3. Kilker B, Holst J, Hoffmann B. Bedside ocular ultrasound in the emergency department. Eur J Emerg Med. 2014;21(4):246-253.
        4. Shinar Z, Chan L, Orlinsky M. Use of ocular ultrasound for the evaluation of retinal detachment. J Emerg Med. 2011;40(1):53-57. 

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