- Suspected soft tissue-infection
- Foreign body
- Joint effusion
- Tendon injury
- Fracture
Clinical Questions
- Is there evidence of abscess formation or simple cellulitis?
- Can the suspected foreign body be localized and identified?
- Does the swelling around a joint represent a joint effusion or surrounding soft tissue swelling?
- Is there evidence of partial or complete tendon disruption?
- Is there evidence of a fracture?
Musculoskeletal/Soft tissue Ultrasound performed by me:
Indications: To evaluate for cellulitis
Location: ***
Interpretation: There is soft tissue edema/cobblestoning consistent with cellulitis
Images archived in the medical record.
Musculoskeletal/Soft tissue Ultrasound performed by me:
Indications: To evaluate for abscess
Location: ***
Interpretation: There is a focal fluid collection consistent with abscess
Images archived in the medical record.
Musculoskeletal/Soft tissue Ultrasound performed by me:
Indications: To evaluate for foreign body
Location: ***
Interpretation: There is no evidence of foreign body
Images archived in the medical record.