Our Ultrasound Fellowship
Our mission is to train physicians who are both technically and clinically skilled in the practice of emergency ultrasound; who are passionate educators; and who are well versed in ultrasound literature.
About our Fellowship
UCSD’s Emergency Medicine Ultrasound Fellowship was created in 2010 out of a desire to advance the use of bedside emergency ultrasound to improve patient care and create educators within the field. Our program is based on the ACEP Guidelines, however we encourage our fellows to go above and beyond, with our ultrasound faculty tailoring advanced topics to meet the fellow’s interests and ideas. We focus on providing specialized training in ultrasound technique, interpretation, and application to clinical practice. Our fellows are trained to become leaders in both academic and community settings.
Our Curriculum
Length: 1 year
Positions: 1-2 fellows per year
Clinical Hours: 40-48 per month
Salary: See House Officer Salary Scale + $1000/mo clinical stipend.
# of Ultrasound Faculty: 10 - Meet our faculty
Advanced educational opportunities: Echo reading with cardiology, US guided nerve blocks with anesthesia, critical care ultrasound with pulmonary critical care fellows and faculty
Scanning shifts: Six 4-hour teaching shifts per month with US faculty, residents and medical students. Wednesdays are dedicated to Attending's and fellows only.
Scanning sites: Hillcrest adult ED, Thornton adult ED, Rady's pediatric ED
QA & Image Review: Every week you will review images with dedicated US faculty, residents and students
Journal Club: In concert with our curriculum, we review landmark and novel US literature weekly at QA
Research Project: One scholarly publication required
Administrative Project: One quality improvement project of the fellow’s choice
Teaching Opportunities:
- Leading scanning shifts with residents and students
- Resident conference and medical student lectures
- UCSD school of medicine SIM sessions
- Invites to teach at regional US conferences
Asynchronous Learning: We have a cutting edge education website providing both core and advanced ultrasound topics, a robust literature review section, and novel US-based clinical cases. You can visit our website at EMultrasound.ucsd.edu
International Outreach: UCSD is one of the leading institutions in the country in global outreach. Each year our division visits a developing country and coordinates an ultrasound teaching course for local physicians. We then donate an ultrasound machine for future use. This is a terrific opportunity to get involved in global emergency medicine with an ultrasound niche.
How To Apply
Applicants should submit their applicants packets to the Emergency Ultrasound Fellowships page at the following link: http://eusfellowships.com/. Interviews will be scheduled with candidates starting in the summer and will run through the end of October.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about our fellowship please contact our fellowship program director, Sukh Singh by clicking the button below.