About Us

Welcome to the Ultrasound Division of the Department of Emergency Medicine at the University of California San Diego. We are excited to be part of the evolving field of Emergency Ultrasound. Our mission is to advocate for the use of point-of-care ultrasound through education, interdepartmental collaboration and research. We believe strongly in the use of focused ultrasound in the clinical setting for a variety of reasons:
Adjunctive tool to guide resuscitation
Fast, real-time information
Improved patient care and safety during procedures
Less radiation to our patients
Increases time at bedside with patients and increases patient satisfaction
Our program is designed to educate students, residents and fellows in the skill of point-of-care ultrasound. We have five ultrasound trained faculty and two fellows. We also collaborate closely with our critical care colleagues, as well as our pediatric colleagues at Rady’s Children’s Hospital in San Diego. UCSD is a vast health network including a level I trauma center, the renowned Moore’s cancer center, the new Jacob’s Center, and the Sculpizio Cardiovascular Center. We strive to be on the cutting edge of education, technology and research in ultrasound. We invite you to join us in our mission.
Our People

Sukh Singh, MD
Ultrasound Fellowship Director

Colleen Campbell, MD
Division of Emergency Ultrasound Director

Anthony Medak, MD
Ultrasound Faculty

Amir Aminlari, MD
Ultrasound Faculty

Rachna Subramony, MD
Ultrasound Faculty

Cameron Smyres, MD
Ultrasound Faculty

Adam Nadolski, MD
Ultrasound Faculty

Ben Liotta, MD
Ultrasound Faculty

Elaine Yu, DO
Ultrasound Faculty

Erick Torres, MD
Ultrasound Fellow